"My affiliation with the EHESS was helpful in that it allowed me to connect to a large community of scholars focused on francophone West Africa — helping direct me towards a wealth of research that has been done on the region.”
The dualPhD, or co-tutelle de thèse, is an ad hoc agreement that allows outstanding students with specific interests and needs to have theirPhDdissertation supervised by faculty members from both Northwestern and a French university. The student then receives a doctorate from the French institution and aPhDfrom Northwestern.
With advisors on both sides of the Atlantic and opportunities to participate in seminars and conferences at both institutions, dualPhDstudents have produced great results. Dissertations have covered vast areas of study, from urban sociology to African politics, and from theater studies to critical theory. Our alumni have an impressive placement record, going on to such positions as:
Post-doctoral fellowships at the Graduate Institute in Geneva and the University of Edinburgh
Tenure-track jobs at University of Montréal, University of Georgia, Columbia College, Michigan State University, and Leiden University
Work in a range of industries such as the World Bank, the Inter-American Development Bank, as well as non-profit organizations